Harmful Ingredients To Avoid

September 20, 2017

Harmful Ingredients To Avoid

Every day we use skincare, cosmetic, toiletry and cleaning products that we think are safe, but the truth is that most of these products are NOT safe and the companies that manufacture them don’t have to tell us so. This industry is highly unregulated.

Just because these products are on the shelf, marketed and advertised as organic or natural, it does not always mean that they are free from nasty chemicals.It is really important to always read the ingredients list and become familiar with what to avoid.

There are thousands of chemicals in your products, many of which are being absorbed into your body. Many of these synthetic chemicals are skin irritants, skin penetrators, hormone disrupters and have carcinogenic agents.Here is a list of harmful chemicals to highly avoid:

Artificial Dyes and Synthetic Colours- Many synthetic colours are made from coal tar. These harsh artificial colours have been shown in studies to be carcinogenic and are likely to cause skin sensitivity and irritation due to the heavy metals they deposit on your skin when you use them. They are found in makeup.

DEA (Diethanolamine), MEA (Monoethanolamine), TEA (Triethanolamine)- These three chemicals are hormone-disrupting chemicals that can form cancer-causing agents — research indicates a strong link to liver and kidney cancer.They are commonly found in shampoos, soaps, bubble baths and facial cleansers.

Oxybenzone- an active ingredient many sunscreen products. Unfortunately, this chemical has been linked to skin irritation, allergies, and hormone disruption.

Petroleum- In many cosmetics products.Clogs the pores and interferes with the skin’s ability to eliminate toxins, promoting acne and other disorders. It has many names like; Petrolatum, Xylene, Toluene, Mineral oil, Liquid Paraffin.

Parabens- They are a group of chemicals commonly used as preservatives in products that prevent the growth of bacteria, mould and yeast. Parabens have estrogen-mimicking properties that are associated with increased risk of breast cancer. They can be found in makeup, body washes, deodorants, shampoos and facial cleansers. You can also find them in food and pharmaceutical products.

Phthalates- This substance is found in just about everything, even you which is used in cosmetics and also in many plastic objects – have been found to act as a hormone disruptor linked to reproductive defects, insulin resistance and developmental problems in children.

Sodium lauryl sulfate (SLS) / Sodium Laureth sulfate (SLES)-Can be found in more than 90 percent of personal care and cleaning products. SLS's are known to be skin, lung, and eye irritants. They can be found in shampoo, body wash/cleanser, mascara and acne treatment.

Triclosan- A widely used antimicrobial chemical that's a known hormone disruptor -- especially thyroid and reproductive hormones, and is also a skin irritant. Studies raise concerns that triclosan contributes to making bacteria antibiotic-resistant. Triclosan can be found in toothpaste, antibacterial soaps, and deodorants.

allergy-household-20products-personal-20care-20tiems This poster sheds some light on the toxic products we put into bodies on daily basis. 

This post is not intended to be fear-driven, it's about creating awareness of what is being used in the industry.  Choice is one of the most powerful gifts we can use to help create a brighter healthier future.


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